Review our various Small Group Ministries we have available to every parishioner. Small groups are a great way to get involved with the St. Joseph community and grow in faith!
Christian Family Movement
The Christian family Movement is an instrument of the Church that has emerged from the desire to help people know God in their homes. The couples gather to learn about the faith and discuss the Sunday Gospel.
If you are interested in learning and growing in your faith with your family, contact Jose Luis Rojas at 303.534.4408 or
Charismatic Renewal Prayer Group
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets at 6:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Nocturnal Adoration Group
The Nocturnal Adoration group meets every third Saturday for adoration and prayer.
Apostles of the Word
The bible study run by the Apostles of the Word meet on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Escuela de la Cruz
The School of the Cross presents a response to the church’s urgent need for mature lay people, leaders committed to the proclamation of the message of salvation, especially in the most abandoned and trampled environment of Mexico: the peasants and workers.
Escuela de la Fe
School of Faith is an international catechetical institute. That it is at the service of the church and that it seeks that the message of Christ reach all corners of the world, through the formation and apostolic projection of educational leaders.
Grupo de Consagrados a los Sagrados Corazones
Grupo de Consagrados a los Sagrados Corazones
Escuela de San Andres
Magnifica Escuela de San Andres, San Jose, Costa Rica
Groupo de Matrimonios de San Andres
Groupo de Matrimonios de San Andres
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Catolico USA
El Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico USA es un Movimiento Católico laico del pueblo de Dios que agrupa familias católicas, apoyadas con la asistencia de Obispos, Sacerdotes, Diáconos y Religiosas.
El Movimiento es una agrupación de familias Católicas que unen sus esfuerzos para promover los valores humanos y cristianos de la familia, para que esta sea en la comunidad: formadora de personas, educadora en la fe, conciente de su misión evangelizadora y comprometida en el desarrollo integral de la comunidad y de la iglesia doméstic
Comunidad Neocatecumenal
The Neocatechumenal Way is a Christian initiation and organization Catholic. The statutes approved by the Holy See define it as an itinerary of permanent Catholic formation, catechumenal, and “neocatechumenal” or post-baptismal catechumenal, at the service of catechesis and dependent on the bishops, endowed with public juridical personality. Its members are popularly known in Spain by the name of “kikos”, due to the name of its initiator, the layman Kiko Argüello, who together with Carmen Hernández and the Italian priest Mario Pezzi formed the Itinerant Team Responsible Internationally of the movement.
The Neocatechumenal Way was created in the 1960s in the neighborhood of Palomeras, on the outskirts of Madrid. Its statutes were initially approved on June 29, 2002, temporarily for five years ad experimentum, by Pope John Paul II. Subsequently, at the beginning of 2008, the decree was issued in which the statutes were definitively approved, and the same year, Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, delivered the decree of final approval of the statutes.
San Jose Knights of Columbus
Council #17980
The San Jose Knights of Columbus Council #17980 meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m.