- Participation in a two process one year for the Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confession and another year for Confirmation and Eucharist.
- Present the baptism certificate for the child who is being registered.
- Sign the covenant of agreement. Parents are also required to attend classes at the same time as their child.
- Pay a fee. The fee goes to help cover the cost of materials for the classes such as books, films, and other material.
Confirmation Fees: For Parishioners the fee is $110 for the first child and $60 for the second child.
For non-Parishioners the fee is $120 for the first child and $70 for the second child. - Classes normally begin in the fall and are completed by the spring. They are held on Wednesday evening and on Sunday morning.
Jesus says to his disciples, “let the children come to me.” The Church since the time of Pope Pius X has permitted small children who have reached the age of reason to receive Holy Communion. In our Archdiocese beginning 4 years ago, Archbishop Aquila outlined a process referred to as the reordering of the sacraments. There are three sacraments of Christian initiation, meaning when one has received all three sacraments they are fully a member of the Catholic Church. Those three sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. During next few years here at St Joseph’s we will be lowering the age for Confirmation and by 2020 children in second grade will receive instruction for Confession and will make their First Confession at the end of school year. Children in third grade who have already completed the sacrament of Confession will be prepared for the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist which will be celebrated together at a Mass normally in the springtime. This order points out that Eucharist and not Confirmation is the completion of Christian Initiation. Also it strengths the students and gives them the grace they need for our complicated world. As one teacher points out, “The reception of the grace of the Holy Spirit at a younger age will give children greater courage and guidance in facing the ever-increasing difficulties of living a Christian life.”